Good Morning...
Ini postingan contoh dari analysis aku dalam membuat skripsi. Ya.. skripsi saya tentang sastra inggris pada abad ke 21. Skripsi aku ambil dari Novel Eclipse karangan Stephenie Meyer menggunakan teori Deconstruction yang dicetuskan oleh Derrida.
Oke... Firstly I will discuss about Edward's character.
From the statement, I found some character of Edward.
!. “Time had not made me immune to perfection of his face and I was sure that I would never take any aspect of him for granted. My eyes traced over his pale white features: the hard square of his jaw, these after curve of his full lips – twisted up into a smile now, the straight line of his nose, the sharp angle of his cheekbones, the smooth marble span of his forehead – partially obscured by a tangle of rain – darkened bronze hair….” (Page 17)
The first quote, I found that Edward is handsome boy. From Bella's mind, she describe Edward like a perfect person, has an angel face and perfect body. it was similar with one of vampire's charateristic. One of characteristic vampire is he has a perfect body and permanence life.
2. “You know it’s out of the question for you to be around a werewolves unprotected, Bella. And it would break the treaty if any of us cross over onto their land. Do you want us to start a war?” (Page 28)
The second quote. I found that Edward is a protective person. Especially about Bella. Edward though that Werewolves is not safe to Bella. because their emotions are unstable, Edward afraid werewolves will hurt her, althought in another side one of them, Jacob Black is Bella's friend.
Sebenarnya masih ada banyak lagi... tapi waktunya ga cukup. Mungkin lain hari akan aku jabarkanlagi.
Oh iyaa... untuk karakter dari Isabella Swan dan Jacob Black, akan dibahas pada postingan berikutnya. Terimakasih :)
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